Sunday, February 28, 2010

ILYY Torino

i think i've seen these on Frank's Flickr when i posted about the ILYY Fury.
but the upload date has changed... hum.
i initially thought its a silver candyblasted E1NS. but no... its a replacement to the WASABI, its a Torino.
Diameter: 54.00mm
Width: 42.90mm
Weight: 66.20g
Response: Hot Red SILYYcone
Bearing: ILYY KMK 6×13×5mm
Coating: ILYY Candodize Silver (Pre-Pro)
Material: 6082 AlMgSi1 Aluminum
Limitation: 10 (pre-pro)

hitting stores in May. 
pictures from Frank's Flickr.

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A new aluminum yoyo from Thailand, the Thaitum.
found this at Akkapong Krailert's FB.
its an full size yoyo using a size C bearing. YYJ large size.
this is a prototype, maker is hoping final product can be done by AP. woot.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

C3 Dark Star

ready soon?
picture got from Walter's FB.

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AP2010: New Team Battle Rules, Official Letter, etc‏

AP Crew:

Dear Spinners of Asia,
1. Have you registered for AP yet? Please do so as soon as possible if you have not. Even for those who are coming to support and not compete, we will appreciate if you can register as a visitor. We are working something out to benefit those who register as visitors.

2. This year's AP Team Battle is going to be totally different! We are experimenting with a totally new concept and we need your help to read the new rules carefully so you can plan and form your international team in advance. Basically the team has to make up of members from different countries / group. We hope that through this, it will help to create new experiences and foster ties between spinners of different countries. Make use of facebook, MSN, etc to contact one another now!

3. If you are a student and require an official letter from us stating that you will be participating in AP, please reply back with the following details:
1. Full Name
2. Passport Number
3. Name of School / Company
4. Address of School / Company
5. Your home mailing address  

4. After you have submitted your registration, please send us a high resolution photo of yourself and your freestyle music (only MP3 or iTunes AAC) format to
Some of you have sent us your pictures but we may not use them if the quality is too low for print. We will also try to use AP08 photos if necessary.

5. For AP10, there will be 2 days of preliminaries so the schedule will not be as packed as the last. If you can't reach Singapore by the 24th, you can still arrive on the 25th March and join in on the 2nd day. We will try to spread out as much as possible so you can have more time to catch up with one another, prepare for Team Battle and Country FAST Challenge.

6. The official AP facebook page is now up! Visit it and be a fan now:

If you have any feedback or questions, please reply and let us know. We will try to address them in the next update. Enjoy the weekend.

26 days left to AP!

AP Crew

questions? please email

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Friday, February 26, 2010

YYF MVP & SuperStar new colors

saw this photo at SPINGEAR's blog.
seems like the MVP and SuperStar will be back in new colors!
loving the greens.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dream Yo Wing

Dream Yo Wing, posted in mid Jan this year, is ready for production.
Dream Yo is 1/3 of K2J, maker of the Warning Line yoyo.
over here is a sample i got. funny it look less solid in its anodised form.
first look and it reminds me of the One Drop M1. probably because of the rims.
this yoyo has a stepped wall. similar to most of the YY:R and Leviathan series. 
first hold, light. although the rims look thick on the profile view, it feels like the weight, instead of concentrated on the rim, is more on the center, somewhere between the hub and the rim. but i guess u can insert custom weight rings into it, looks pretty spacious to me.
a slightly undersized yoyo. grind's alright. 
plays fast, i wouldn't say its got great stability, but its not too bad.
flops' alright, slacks fine. i really gotta say its fast? 
overall a fun yoyo, probably not what everyone would make a main yoyo, but to quote what Alan from HK mention, China yoyo = light and fast. that's probably why its weight distribution's like that.
pictures.... and video soon!
ask for me if u wanna try it at meetings guys.

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AP2010: Registration

Hi guys!
If you're attending the Asia Pacific Yoyo Champions 2010, and have not register yourself,
Please do so ASAP.

after registration, Please also send a high resolution photo of yourself to AND
the photos are for publication in the AP booklets as well as other print / multimedia mediums.
All photographs should be around 3mb in size and should reach us no later than 2nd March 2010.

(We apologize for the short notice, but we are running on a really tight schedule so your kind understanding is greatly appreciated.)

 Any Questions please email to

Jayson: ok guys, i got asked alot about the registration for AP so here goes,

  IF you're a LOCAL VISITOR to AP, AND NOT STAYING in any hotel, then you do not need to register, you can still go and buy stuff there.

IF you're LOCAL VISITOR to AP AND PLANNING TO STAY IN BUDGET HOTEL, yes, u need to register, and select the room type, so the organizer can liase with the hotel.

IF you're a foreign citizen player/visitor, YES, you NEED TO register yourself, and select hotel where applicable.
regarding PHOTOS, only Competitors need to send in their Photo to the email addresses stated above.

KEEP CHECKING THE AP SITE, it will be updated.
any questions please email

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Big Deal? Mighty Flea?

came upon this picture at Todoyoyo, its a upcoming YYF Big Deal, with the Mighty Flea logo.
i would love the name Big Deal instead actually, its just me.

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Timeless Mars

if you're interested in whats a Mars, check the earlier entry XD

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Protrusion's the thing

have seen a couple Protrusion videos on youtube for the past few days, everyone's doing it, especially the japanese players, here's one pretty yabai one.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

B!ST: the Mod Contest Yoyo

got this from Yoyonoobs.

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YYF Primo

YYF gives u the G5+...
minus the stacks.
you've always wanted a Superstar without stacks, the Superstar was kinda base of the G5+ but better, so this is what u want. YYF made it.
got this from YYFBen's FB.

Labels: , , by Chris Allen

this is a project by Dr Yoyo Chris Allen.
probably one of the best thing that happen if it works.
i read about it and got excited.
i hope this thing goes on!
Chris, seriously, i'm really really glad u actually went for this project.
the only thing that upset me is why didn't u share this with me.... >.< i'm sad. very.
you guys should try it out too, is in beta testing, so if u encounter any problem, do comment over here,  Chris will look into it!

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some PNWR2010 freestyles from Matt.

more on his youtube account.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

MA States in the eye of Bergy

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Asia Pac 2010 sites

If any of you have not heard about Asia Pacific Yoyo Championship, here's what it is about.

X marks the spot.

The Asia Pacific yo-yo championships 2010 is going to be the biggest one yet! Past champions as well as current World champions will battle head to head against each other to be crowned the AP champion this year. Come expecting to make new friends, learn and create new tricks, hang out with some of the Worlds best players and check out the mind-blowing, spectacular performances on display.

Now after many requests, the competition will feature ALL 5 of the standard divisions (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A), as well as the country FAST challenge and the new AP Team Battle. Will this year see any major upsets, or will the past champions continue to blaze through the competition?

A star-studded event will not be completed without the likes of a fabulous location, and what better way for Singapore to host the regions best players than to hold it in the biggest, newest and most exciting mall in town, ION Orchard. AP 2010 is an event you CANNOT miss!

Being the sixth Asia Pacific contest being organized, it is going to be a whole lot of fun! Whether you are from the Asia Pacific region or not, come on down and experience AP for yourself, it will definitely be an unforgettable experience, and one in which you will keep wanting to come back for more.

Finally, it is time to awaken the giants, and to conquer our foes in the spotlight of the grandest yo-yo competition in Asia.

Become a Fan of the AP Official FB page, and also join the SPINWORKX FB group & account for more updates!
also Bookmark the Official AP Website!

only less than 30days left to AP, are you ready?

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saw these at Frank's Flickr, the ILYY Fury.
i would like this shape.
Diameter: 56.00mm
Width: 43.00mm
Weight: 66.50g
Response: Hot Red SILYYcone
Bearing: ILYY KMK 6×13×5mm
Coating: ILYY Candodize Silver (Pre-Pro)
Material: 6082 AlMgSi1 Aluminum
Limitation: 20 (pre-pro)

These are the final specs, however the finish has not been decided decided yet. These preproduction models will go on sale at Yo-Shop and YoYoZ within the next days.

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C3 DarkStar

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Werrd's Spinworkx Visit

Yes, Stu from Werrd gave SPINWORKX a surprise visit!
and he's sharing some pictures
so yea, if u wanna know how the Werrd Beef and Rozzor plays, go bug Tommy and Qing Hui.
Stu i love that bag.

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AP2010: infos

Hi All, the AP2010 site have been updated!
here's some important stuff i thought i might as well post here.

first of all, Registration is up, PLEASE go to the Registration page to register now.
note: ALL Competitors and Visitors please fill in the registration form.
the Organisers need your information.
if you're not here to compete, just check "visitor" under the "competing division" section.
the information is VERY IMPORTANT, Especially if you're foreign player/visitor.
DO NOT WORRY, ONLY Competitors need to pay the registration fee.
Visitors NEED NOT PAY.

and yes, there'll be 3A division for all you 3A rockers out there!
for the Event rundown, please keep visiting the Schedule page, it'll be updated!

Hotel, yes, the details are out.
you can choose to stay at the Economy Hotel which the Organizers have liase with, 
Hotel Bencoolen. or you can choose to plan your own accommodation.

Lastly, if u have any feedback/visitor enquires, please email the Organizer at

if u have any questions regarding the AP rules and seeding system, please email Roy at

if any Yoyo Company out there would be willing to sponsor AP2010, please email Colin at

If you are interested to be an official photographer, media liaison, please also contact Colin at

thanks all for reading!

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BombSquadYYF Video Contest

The BombSquadYYF Video Contest is brought to u by YYF x Paul Han
so here goes:

BombSquad will be throwing a online Yoyo video contest. Two Premium YoYoFactory yoyo’s will be given away for the winner. The object of the contest is to film a yoyo video and get creative with it. I don’t want to see a yoyo video with you just standing there. GET CRAZY WITH IT! Being creative with the video will win you points and will most likely but in the top of my list. You can involve skating,bmx, etc whatever that your into. Editing the video and making it unique is a BIG PLUS! ANYONE IN THE WORLD CAN ENTER THIS CONTEST. Have fun =)


Contest starts Feb,21,2010 to March,21,2010

1. Must wear a Yoyofactory t-shirt at all time. Don’t have one? SHARPEE AND WRITE IT ON A T-SHIRT.

2.Yoyofactory product must be used in the video. Any other yoyo, you will be disqualified.

3. Must be uploaded on YOUTUBE and title must say ” BombSquadyyf Contest” and your name next to it.

4. Video must be submitted before March 21st or you will not be eligible.


1. 90 seconds long maximum.

2. Must have Yoyofactory 2010 Logo beginning of Video and at the end of it.

Videos will be judged on the following criteria:

Motivation and inspiration
Overall impact

All contestant, please email me the link of your YOUTUBE video to


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Sunday, February 21, 2010

YY:R DreadNought & Messiah

YoyoRecreation DreadNought, Sunichiro Onishi's signature yoyo
YoyoRecreation Messiah, Yakahiro Iizuka's signature yoyo.
Oversized and Undersized. choose yours at SPINGEAR!

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Hiroyuki Suzuki on Chinese TV

i don't think this is a new video, from what i remember, Hiroyuk went to this TV show 2 times, once with Takuto, Takahiko & JunJie, once alone.
this is the one with him alone.
i've watched the one he went with Takuto and gang, on some website, i forgot where, but i didn't post it because i couldn't embed it...
but Hiroyuki has this youtube version of his.

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Asia Pacific Yoyo Chamionship 2010 site

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Volunteer needed for WCC2010

West Coast Classics 2010 is just around the corner (21st March to be exact!!!!!!!), we need helpers!!!!!!!
Wish to help out??? Drop us an email!!!


WCC2010 Details as of to date:
  • Date: 21st March 2010 (Sunday)
  • Venue: Ulu Pandan Community Club
Simply send your email to our Contact Page with the subject title “Volunteer” and we’ll try to get back to you ASAP!

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Yomerica Spindustries Hand Candy

first thing comes first, if you haven't read or heard about it, Yomerica Industries IS Sponsoring!
what u see above is Yomerica's new upcoming yoyo,  the Hand Candy.
no dimensions given yet, probably gonna be release in few weeks time.
i was told these Hand Candy will come in multiple flavors, which means, many color choices will be available.
Also, there'll be new colors available for the Planet 9!
i look forward to the Hand Candy, cause' its like so different from the Planet 9?
would love to see the anodised version!

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YYF Genesis new colors

Genesis V3.
shipping to stores next week.
pictures from YYFBen's FB.
love the black one.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Lin-Kai 2010 Practice Week 02

seems like something new from Adegle?
why that triple or nth?
why quadraple or nth?
could it mean something?
look forward to it.


B!ST mod - Less is More

another crazy mod from Mister Bist. who else?
pictures from YoYoNoobs!

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Behemoth @ Emigrette

this was only available at the 44CLASH event.
here's some left at Emigrette!


MOYO Stage

watch Jei's winning freestyle at a Taiwan yoyo meeting.
watch the other freestyles here.

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Yomerica Industries is Sponsoring

Yomerica Industries, the maker that gives u the Planet 9 yoyo, 
is giving u a chance to get sponsored.
Contest Rules...
1. Contestants must throw down and youtube 1 1/2mins of uncut total Awesomness.
2. Contestants must be using a Yomerica Spindustries product.
3.Contestants must say "I lOVE TO YOYO" at one time in their video.
4.Contestants must make yoyo logo visible at one time in video.
5.Contestants must send a bio-resume to: "what makes you special what have you done for the yoyo community?"
6. All entries must be received by June 1st 2010.
Artistry and originality most definitely count!

Winner will receive...
1. One of every Yomerica Spindustries-3rd Hand product from our current collection. Including accessories and apparel.
2.One of every Yomerica Spindustries-3rd Hand product we produce over the next year.
3.One full year sponsorship including help with travel and contest fees if you choose to compete!
Good Luck!

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Lucky on CBS news

you don't know who's Lucky?
you know all the World Yoyo Contest video clips u watched?
where the players are, the BBQ, the place with all that yoyos, the man mad of yoyos, etc...
that's Lucky's apartment, i think, haha, but yeah he's the person behind that Lucky's BBQ.

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YYF Ben on Good Morning Arizona

Benjamin Mcphee on Good Morning Arizona showing some tricks!

 here's also the clip to Ben's record of 16 yoyo spinning at the same time.

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Justin Weber - would you always, maybe sometimes, make it easy?



Hyper Yoyo 2010

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AP2010: Updates

IMPORTANT Msg from Roy:

Hi Guys,

I really need some info of players from all over Asia who ARE coming for Ap10 for seeding.
Here's the list of players that ARE seeded for Ap10, pass this info around.
Help to fill in the blanks for me if you know any info of seeded player coming but are not inside my list

AND YES, there WILL BE 3A this year!!! I will need to know how many people will take part in 3A before deciding if there's going to be qualifying/seeding's the first time we're having 3A so some things to work out...

WORLDS 2009 Seed  
Name   Country   Division
Shinya Kido   Japan   1A 1st  
SAITO, Shinji   Japan   2A 1st
OKADA, Naoto   Japan   4A 1st
INOUE, Takuma   Japan   5A 1st
AP2008 Winner  
Hiroyuki Suzuki   Japan   1A
Shuhei Kanai   Japan   2A
Lim Aik Hwee   Singapore   4A
Sojun Miyamura   Japan   5A


Vong Kin Ian   1A
   ?   2A
   ?   4A
   ?   5A

Marcus Koh   1A
Alex Yao   2A
Sean      4A
Iskandar Shah      5A

Hong Kong
Chan Man Fai 1A
Yiu Siu Ho   2A
?  4A  
Ng Wang Kit   5A

? 1A
? 2A
? 4A
? 5A

Shakeel   1A
Arif      2A
Shakeel   4A
Shakeel   5A

? 1A
? 2A
? 4A
? 5A

Hiroyuki Suzuki   1A
?      2A
Rei Iwakura      4A
Takeshi Matsuura      5A

? 1A
? 2A
? 4A
? 5A

?   1A
?      2A
Lee Min Woo      4A
?      5A

? 1A
? 2A
? 4A
? 5A

? 1A
? 2A
? 4A
? 5A

Kevin Tandean   1A
Osshe      4A

pls email Roy
or me
or go to the Spinworkx Forum!

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Crucial Spintop Project

whats this for u ask....
look lke some special kind of spacer with a special type of bearing.
visit Crucial Blog to read more!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

YYF Big Deal

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YYF & Paul Han featured on HYPEBEAST

not exactly Yoyo related, but...

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Kevin Nicholas - Cosmic

pretty old video, but thought i'll post it.
Kevin Nicholas from Team 3Yo3, using the Cosmo.

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Hspin Gorylla news

Chris Rhoads from HSYY was kind enough to share this with me so i can post abt it, or rather link u to the page.

if u love the Hspin Gorylla, this is good news to u.
visit page to read.

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Gnarwhals and Sasquatches

Chris release pictures of the anodised Gnarwhals and Sasquatches!
read more at the Caribou Blog!

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A video by Takeshi featuring Hank Freeman and Drewtetz!

and yes, sneak peek at the Freebird, Duncan Screaming Eagle Delrin yoyos.
Hank's signature.

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West Coast Classic 2010
few days before AP2010, 
21st March 2010, 
at UPCC.

some warm up before the big one!
been training hard for AP?
why not try out the Regional first?

I'm Excited!

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Prada Yoyo?

Prada Yoyo? how cool is that?
picture got from Hiroyuki's Blog!

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Yoyofactory on FOX10

updated* the vimeo version's not complete, here's a youtube full version:

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Forgot but not too late!!!
