Monday, June 28, 2010

Dream-Yo Pixy

Dream-Yo sent me this.
an undersized, mini yoyo, ala flea, but large bearing!
reminds me of one.
opening up....
now to size comparison to a 07 888, i was thinking why didn't i take a shot of it next to a flea...
i should take one soon, but mine is a old Flea, not the 2010 one. but yea, its just to compare the size. will take one soon alright...
for now, here's one with 07 888.
so... this thing needs a little getting used to.
feels heavy for its size. pretty long spin after breaking in, and once got used to throw.
spins long enough to complete simple combo, or even complex combo if you have good controls, National Champion Christopher Chia did lotsa combos with it. i was wowed.
front throw's hard to control, for me atleast, it goes out~
trapeze throw's alright, once u get the angle right, its nice, its so much more easier to get used to compared to front throw. i personally feel its due to its large bearing, a tad bit too large for the yoyo's size? its a working yoyo, but i feel the bearing size and the yoyo halves size should be proportionate. i feel if the bearing is slightly smaller, say, hspin size? or even duncan size, it'll probably have a more normal throw.
i try to do a few things with it, flop, it works, grinds, it works, i just did finger grinds though, no arm, no palm. palm shouldn't be a problem?
lacerations, normal and counter, both's fine.
regens are hard for me. it does regen, but to me, it feels like i'm not controlling it, it just comes back and goes out. front style to side style regens, the yoyos goes down, due to weight. protrusion wonder, thumbmount wonder? yea i guess so, i suck at both, but i manage to do a little of both, but of course... its mini!!!
this is definitely not a competition yoyo, its meant to be a pocket yoyo, even smaller than a Dingo, for sure, its already smaller than a 888. one thing "positive" about this yoyo is it accept normal strings, rather thn specially made thin string like YYF Flea's. so if you wanna try something very small, playable, this is worth considering getting, but i think its bigger than the Flea though. price... sorry, no idea yet? i'll post it together with the Pixy/Flea comparison photo when i get the price. hopefully video soon~

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