Friday, March 11, 2011

SUPERwide | Miracle | Monster Compare shots

finally got the time to get these photos posted.
comparison between the Aoda Miracle, and its rebranded doppleganger YYF SUPERwide, and the refined version, YYF Monster. Some said the YYF SUPERwide plays nothing like the Aoda Miracle, and don't expect the Miracle to play as good as the SUPERwide. I played with both and personally feel they're of not much difference in terms of playability. but there is, however, some parts that are visually different if it affects your choice in buying any of these. so you can click to enlarge the image and get a better look.

below are:
SUPERwide | Miracle | MONSTER

MONSTER | Miracle | SUPERwide
the Monster is a everything refined from a Miracle/SUPERwide,
the bearing seat, the shape everything, so we'll leave that aside.

the main difference between the Miracle and a SUPERwide, i feel, would be the bearing seat itself. i won't say much, the pictures explains the best i guess.
so here are all the pictures i took, i hope they help you in any way possible.

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