Shinwoo ZEN2
yes, the long awaited ZEN2.
since the Shinwoo Hi-Power Zen, everyone look forward to the ZEN2 and 3.
here i have with me, a ZEN2 sample from Shine.
pictures first...
first look reminds me of the YYP Big Bang, after holding it, it feels more like a YYF SuperStar.
but of course, its just the feel when u hold it. not the play. this one come prelubed, its not tug responsive, but not exactly dead unresponsive. i took apart the yoyo and see lubrication on the bearing seat, this thing needs to be break in. comes with the standard rubber pads. large bearing.
i don't like it at first, but start to enjoy it after that. it could be due to the warm weather, or this thing just need some getting use to. my 2nd day using is was nice. it doesn't feel like most metal yoyo, probably due to the way they fitted the hub spinning pole(talk abt it later). i assume the bearing is heavily lubed cause a throw doesn't last me very long, but after breaking in, its alright. but its a quiet yoyo considering its got 'stacks'. shape wise, i prefer this to the ZEN3(up later), it feels more comfortable in the hand, but just too much lube for my preference. probably gonna like it even more after cleaning the bearing, but won't be doing so for time being, i'll let u guys try out the stock version(yes, same thing, come find me in meeting if u wanna try it).
grindability... i don't know, it doesn't work for me. we're talking about no gloves.
no beadblast, just ano, its unlike the ZEN which got the line thingy, sorry still have no idea if there's a term for that in yoyo... but then again, it could be just me. alright the grind don't stay, it climbs, u know, it doesn't stay and grind at one spot smoothly, it 'climbs'... lol, i'm actually direct translating the term from mandarin, we describe it as climb, u get it.... forgot to add that, this yoyo is more of a normal size yoyo, slightly smaller than yoyos like the YYF SuperStar. also, it could be due to the lube, or just me, i personally think the stability is not as stable as the ZEN. maybe i need more time to test this out.
Notice ZEN2 has this side spinning hub thingy, like what many will call a "hubstack", but, note, there is no stacks. instead, its some kind of pole being fitted into this large size bearing.
instead of using the outer race of the bearing for gripping, Shinwoo used the inner race.
the bearing cannot be remove, alright, maybe u can with some force, but whether u'll damage the system, i'm not very sure. this makes the hub bearing unable to be cleaned. the 'stacks' aren't exactly smooth, mine atleast, the pole feels like its not fitted straight, it 'wobble', the pole, not the yoyo... but its not at all noisy. its quiet. very quiet.
but but but, since the 'stack' bearing cannot be remove... u gotta be careful with it. for YYF hubstacked yoyos, if the bearing die on u, u can just get a replacement and there u have a new smooth hubstack, but the ZEN2? if it die on u, it die on u. but u can still play with it though... just no 'stack' play...
ah yes... this thing is rather fast.
ah yes... this thing is rather fast.
so yea, there u go, my thoughts about the Shinwoo ZEN2.
larger pics at Flickr!
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