Monday, January 25, 2010

Kinopah X Yodel 66

remember the 66 rules for yoyo players by Ed Haponik?

Now he has collaborate with John Higby to produce it into a comic book!

watch the video they did together

in november of last year, i wrote down a list of 'rules'. these were intended to be both amusing and challenging, and most of all, an invitation for yo-yoers to take a 'benevolently critical' glance at themselves; to determine what qualities of yo-yoing THEY believe to be important. some people read them, and some people liked them. a lot of yo-yoers have asked me about the 'rules'; why i wrote them - why yo-yoing needs them. i've thought a lot about it, and i think they hold up okay, if only to provide an impetus for questioning ourselves.

one of those people who noticed them was john, who contacted me pretty much straight away and asked about creating something together. needless to say, i was up for it. so, over the past month, john has worked like crazy to draw and ink a comic book which records the 66 rules, illustrating them in his own indelible style. he did this amidst the insane backdrop of doing 50+ shows in like 60 states (or something) over the past month, and i'm afraid his efforts make me appear way cooler than i actually am.

alongside the comic, john is offering a special '66' version of his handpainted clear duncan proflys. they look stunning (i have to say, the pog art is ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE), and are a total joy to play. a lot of people have asked me lately about good, consistent wood axle yo-yo's and and these painted proflys look smart and positively sing.

u can get the comic here!

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