Cold Metal Nano Blaster Sale.

this particular color(w/o logo) for the CM nano Blaster was meant for a launch but was canceled.
and now its on sale at their store for only 2000RUB, thats approx 95SGD, yes, but without shipping yet.
the google translate didn't work so well, i don't know the exact reason behind the cancellation of the launch, or for what event, etc, but those who are interested might want to email them and check out the shipping and stuff, the Nano Blaster seems like a decent yoyo to me. its not a new yoyo for your info.
check out their web at COLDMETAL.Ru
updates 29 july 2009:
Alex from ColdMetal have share some info on this,
the reason behind the cancellation of the launch is because of the irregular ano color, colors of yoyo differs from one to another, in another words, its not up to their standard, hence the sale.
shipping wise, they do ship international, but payment would be a slight problem, they're having problems with Paypal, they can only send out money, but can't receive, so if you're really interested in getting one, maybe you can still email them and figure out a method of payment.
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