Save Deth G&E4 from jayson lim
Hspin is know for its clean lines and it minimalist graphic styling. Now, not that we are opposed to that style, we just felt that we needed to do something totally different. Our metal logo was designed by Seth Peterson and Danny Severance. The colors were chosen to stand out during play and to be instantly recognizable as the Save Deth Edition.
The unique packaging design for the G&E4 was really fun to work with. We knew packaging it in a different container wouldn't be as cool so we set out to add to the pre-existing packaging. Thats were the theme in interaction really came out. We designed inserts to interact with the original, not over power it. For that reason we went with the gradient on the inside of the yo-yo. Showing the original raw canvas we started with
We found the gap of the production G&E4s to be a little wide for our taste. After many emails back and forth with Chris discussing the feel when throwing the yo-yo we decided to try and minimize the gap. with a millimeter taken from the bearing width the throw felt more natural while keeping the extremely smooth play of the original.
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