Wednesday, June 4, 2008


it seems to me alot of kids or rather newer player likes to ask me questions about yoyo like, how long my yoyo spins...
what bearing spins long...
how to make yoyo sleep for more then 2 mins...
i'll write a little something here...
i'm not a player who goes for all the different type of long spinning bearings....
i only go for, stainless steel, as long as they spin long enough to handle all my tricks.
first ask yourself:
does your combo last for minutes?
if you can answer yes, most probably that spin time is enough for u, cuz if u can't make our yoyo spin that long, how can u manage to create such a long combo?
if no, work on your combo first.
many professional yoyo player set long spinning records, but u need to understand, its only during the sleeper, plus skills, to maintain that spins. during play, the spintime of a regular yoyo WILL NOT last tat long. so if u say u need long spinning yoyo to learn tricks, most yoyo is good enough. i would say any metal ring YYJ works well.
while learning, a dead yoyo can also be used, dead means not spinning. to learn a trick, u need to understand where the yoyo/string should go. if u don't know, the yoyo will just keep spinning on the same string. the spinning works well after u know where the string/yoyo should go, so u can try to complete the trick.
forget about record setting long spins if u want combos. like i said, during play the spins time differs.
forget about doing combo if u want record setting spintime. in order to get the 5-10mins spintime, u need to learn how to handle the string. ask the experts at Spinworkx.


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